Eye Flu Outbreak: What You Need to Know About the Latest Health Concern

Shayna Godhin

What is Eye Flu?
Viral conjunctivitis known as eye flu is an inflammation of conjunctiva due to viral infections. It is this one that causes the eye to be red, to itch and turn watery. The condition is saprophytic and communicable where contacts are frequent, or where large groups of people are involved.

When Does Eye Flu Happen?
It is important to note that eye flu can develop at any season, however, it has a certain season it prefers more than others. The outbreaks tend to occur from the months of June to the early part of September and usually achieves it peak in the later part of the summer. This is partly because many schools and offices are continuing operation, and therefore have a high number of contacts, leading to transmission of the virus. Also during such times, the dry air inside buildings can be a cause of eye infections, for example, dry eye syndrome.

Symptoms of Eye Flu
Redness: Sclera which is the white part of the eye turns pink or become red in color.
Itching: There is itching of the eyes and discomfort.
Watery Discharge: Purulent or mucopurulent discharge is seen which may vary from being clear to slightly turbid like the normal watery discharge from the eye.
Swelling: The eylids may become swollen.
Sensitivity to Light: This can cause light sensitivity within the eyes which makes it uncomfortable to operate machinery in the evening.
Crusty Eyelids: In the morning the eyes may have crusty discharge.
Prevention of Eye Flu

To reduce the risk of catching or spreading eye flu, follow these preventive measures
Avoid Sharing: Avoid sharing towels, wash cloths, or any make up particularly eye make up.
Clean Surfaces: Clean the relativity frequently touched objects such as doors, telephone, and computers often.
Stay Away from Infected People: People who have eye flu should endeavor to avoid social contact with other people especially those who have not contracted this sickness.
Avoid Rubbing Your Eyes: To avoid touching your face avoid as much handling of your face as possible; if this cannot be avoided wash your hands.

Treatment of Eye Flu
Eye flu is basically self-limited and it clears on its own within 1-2 weeks. However, there are ways to ease symptoms and help the healing process

However, there are ways to ease symptoms and help the healing process

Cool Compresses: It is advised that one uses a clean and cool, wet compress to the closed eyes in order to minimize oedema.
Artificial Tears: Lubricant eye drops which can freely be bought without a prescription can be used to lessen the feeling of dryness or irritation.
Avoid Contact Lenses: If you use contact lenses then remove them and use the glasses until the eyes are fully recovered.
Avoid Eye Makeup: It is advisable not to apply eye makeup and eye creams in the period when you have the symptoms as this can worsen the condition of the eyes.
When seeing a doctor is preferred
If the symptoms are not favorable or get worse after a week or if one considerably feels a painful, blurry or a lot of discharge then, he or she should consult a doctor. An eye doctor can figure out if the eye flu is as a result of a more severe condition and can advise on the right course of action.

With these measures, it is possible to prevent the spread and manifestations of eye flu and prevent the deterioration of the patient’s condition.

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