7 Best Leg Workout Exercises for Building Muscle

Shayna Godhin

Below are seven of the best leg exercises that aim at strengthening and stabilizing your legs as well as the muscles.


Squats are one of the basic leg exercises that target the four major groups of muscles in the legs which are; File Name www.quadcrazy.net quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes and the lower back. To perform, one has to; stand with the feet a little wider than shoulder-width apart, squat as if one is attempting to sit on a chair, make sure the chest is lifted high and the knees situated directly over the toes. Return to standing. Some of the categories of squat are, the bodyweight, goblet which involves holding of a weight at the center of the chest, barbell.


Lunges trigger the quadriceps, hamstrings and gluteal muscles as well as the lower back and improves posture. Inhale as you start in the standing position: first, you have to take a step forward with your right leg and flex your knees to about 90 degrees. After that slide back to the start and repeat the same process with the other leg. Other types of lunges are; the walking lunge, the reverse lunge.


 Deadlifts work on the hamstrings, glutes and lower back. Standing with feet about shoulder-width apart or wider and holding a bar in the hand, squat and pick up the bar. As you take the barbell, maintain your back straight as you push out with your hips and knees until you stand upright. The barbell should be returned to the ground with equal slowness as it was raised.

Leg Press

This kind of exercise operates on the muscles such as quadriceps, hamstrings, and gluteal muscles. Grasp the handle and place the back on the slotted base and position the feet on the foot plate. Slide the platform out of your body range by opening your legs as far as you can and then withdraw your legs back to the initial position. Change the position of your weight and feet on the balls of the feet occasionally.

Leg Curls 

This exercise is the continuation of isolation exercise with the focus placed on the hamstrings. Secure your heels on the padded bar, apron side up and feet hanging over the end of the bench while bench-pressing while on a leg curl machine. Sitting on your buttocks, flex your weaker leg at the knee and pull your knees close to your chest; then slowly, ease out into the starting position. Others are seated leg curls.

Leg Extensions

As a weight lifting exercise, leg extensions target the quadriceps, and are carried out on a machine. Sit with your back straight and the pad located at the knees so that it rests on your shins. Slide your legs out as far as you are capable to the level of a straight position and then bend them and bring them back into the initial position.

Calf Raises

The effect of this exercise is to put stress on the calf muscles and increase its endurance. Place them on the edge of a step, letting your heels fall off this step slightly. Shift your weight forward and press the balls of your feet to lift your heels; try to take them as high as you can, and then, lower your heels beneath the step. Single-leg calf raises are also considered to be variations in the exercise.

Performing these exercises can help improve the leg muscles, its endurance, and the capability of the lower limbs.

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