Exploring the Risks of the Common Cold

Shayna Godhin

There are several things that might place you in a better chance of coming down with a common cold. It should be noted that awareness of these risks will enable you to take measures to prevent contracting the disease. Here’s a look at what can put you at risk: Here’s a look at what can put you at risk
Close Contact with Sick People

When you are near someone who has a cold then this is likely to make you also catch a cold. Cold germs are passed through tiny particles in the air when an individual is sick and they then talk, cough or sneeze.

Weakened Immune System

 In other words, one is more vulnerable to a disease if the immune system is not sound within them. Other illnesses such as diabetes, cancer or any disease that weakens the body’s immune system or taking drugs that slow it, then you are likely to get a cold.

High Stress Levels

 Stress can impair the functioning of your immune system and this means that viruses could easily attacks you. Since stress management entails taking large amounts of relaxation techniques and healthier habits into your life, it assists in minimizing the risk.

Poor Nutrition

 Poor nutrition distains your immune system and thus a body deprived of vital nutrition can trigger an illness. Having more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in your diet will help you lead a healthy life and help prevent colds.

Lack of Sleep

 Lack of proper sleep slows down the body’s immunity system hence Island cannot recover in time from an infection. Adults should therefore aim to sleep between seven and nine hours well-earned and healthful sleep helps support the immune system.

Exposure to Cold Weather

Cold air does not give one a cold; however, people get homesick during the winter, and since they are indoors most of the time, they tend to spread the virus and the air is rather dry. This can lead to increase the instances of people contracting and spreading diseases.


Smoking is dangerous for the respiratory system and it also compromises the immunity of the body allowing viruses to affect illness. Limiting the time spent smoking or being exposed to secondhand smoke puts you in a better chance of not getting a cold.


 Infants are prone to developing colds because they socialize with other children often, which usually transmit germs. Children’s bodies are also defendless in their immune capacity at this stage.

This paper also explains that minimizing such risk factors such as being in close contact with sick persons, poor personal hygiene, and any form of a compromised immune system can greatly help in avoiding to be infected by the common cold. It means that by adopting health behavioral practices and increasing individual control over the environment, common illness can be considerably prevented.

Meta description
Learn the basic causes of a common cold with major factors of infection being lack of, hygiene, a compromised immune system, and close contact with infected people. Read more to find out how to lessen your risk with helpful advices and a proper lifestyle.

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